Servicing Roller Shutter Doors: Your Guide to Ultimate Longevity
As a trusted roller doors specialist with a longstanding reputation we need to uphold after over 22 years of servitude, we (like you) can’t afford to take any chances when it comes to outsourcing things that involve personal safety. We’re just good old-fashioned “control freaks” in an industry where one rightfully should be. When it comes to servicing roller shutter doors, we take pride in our workmanship and prefer to oversee things ourselves. At the same time, we also like to share our industry knowledge with you to keep you alert to the condition and performance of your doors investment.
We believe not ‘charity’, but quality starts at home and there is more than meets the eye when it comes to what goes on in our own factory to provide the highest levels of authenticated, verified, and certified security products.
This is why, when it comes to servicing roller shutter doors, we want to assist you to understand why it is vital to know the difference between maintenance and tampering with something that you really shouldn’t be. Because a lot of work has gone into ticking off the things that, in combination with our regular servicing and your general maintenance, will guarantee ultimate longevity.
Best-Practice and Standards in Servicing Roller Shutter Doors
The Occupational Health and Safety Act, along with entities such as The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) draft guidelines that outline the framework in which companies such as Millenium Roller Doors need to operate within at all times. And in accordance with industry best practices and maintenance cycles – the approved routine and process of servicing roller shutter doors should be done (by all) on a biannual basis at least.
However, additional services may be required in high frequency-of-use situations, eg our High-Speed Doors. Our expert team will advise on a custom servicing plan once we have completed a full, post-installation assessment of your facilities and determining frequency intervals for servicing roller shutters doors on your premises. Just like a service plan for your car, you shouldn’t wait until the warning signals come on, before phoning up your installer for emergency assistance.
Don’t Wait For an Incident
This goes without saying. But life is busy and we often have bigger things to worry about than our doors. Until they suddenly don’t work! Or in our case, an accident occurs due to negligence. A good offense is a good defence, so you need to identify all (if any) operational issues early – and keep looking out for them as standard operating procedures. The last thing you need is operational downtime due to access issues – that could have been prevented by servicing roller shutter doors on schedule.
Not You’re Neighbours Know-How
This is a common theme that runs through many of our Blog Articles but never has it been more relevant than when discussing maintenance and repairs of our products. Anything electrical or that requires going beyond the cobwebs in your groove and slots – leave it to us! NOT your “eager-to-help John” from next door. He does not have the knowledge of servicing roller shutter doors. We’ve heard the stories and they are regrettably shocking. Pun intended.
Millenium Roller Doors – Service with a Schedule (and a smile too!)
For premium Industrial or Residential Roller Doors and the prevention of any malfunction, visit or contact us for support in any case of emergency by dialing 011 472 0373.
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