Millenium Roller Doors SA Article

Industrial Door Materials Vol. 2. Wooden Doors – Mother Nature’s Soothe

Like earth, wind, water and fire; wood is one of Mother Nature’s elements that we simply cannot do without. In our previous blog, we took a deep dive into the virtues of steel and aluminium doors as a strong and reliable industrial doors option. This month, we cross over the material spectrum to ‘wood’,  one of our natural wonders and much of our source of life on earth.  Wooden doors, specifically, bring an organic feel to your premises that comfort and invite customers by means of its grounded aesthetic. One that appeals to many people in bare form, but also with unlimited potential for customization. Here, the world is your oyster

“In the woods we return to reason and faith.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Carving, painting, dye, stain, shaping, texturing and varnished matte or shiny – wood accommodates most eyes for design in terms of colour, look and feel that complement your brand’s look or energy that you would like to welcome your clients to your premises (or residence) with. Adding to that, a curbside appeal and you have an eclectic mix of earthy undertones and stylish modern exterior. With vintage, rustic, relict, natural and organic being very much the trend of the past decade – wood lends and bounds itself to accommodate all these tones due to its holistic & earthly qualities.

Wooden Doors – Standing Tall in the Garage Doors Line-Up

As mentioned in our previous article on industrial roller doors material types, the lion’s share belongs to Aluminum.  Yet, because wood is a wonderful building block to basically all contemporary and more conservative home styles, the option to integrate and decorate your home exteriors just makes its presence so much more felt. Whilst providing a solid and secure barrier.

Yes, Mother Nature does bless the earth with this porous and fibrous structural tissue, but wooden doors can require more maintenance in order to protect her from when she (mother nature) is in a bad mood as well. This is where a routine inspection will inform you on when some love is needed based on your location’s humidity and/or atmospheric pressure. (Checklist courtesy of the Madawaska Wood and Trim team in Ontario, Canada)

Serving as a friendly design tip and as demonstrated in our Projects section of the website – consider using a wooden roller garage door to either stand as a feature or tie in its colours with the roof and front door for a cohesive touch. This is an excellent way of binding the entire property to a rounded-off look. Or pull focus to where your batmobile emerges from.

‘Wood’ you choose a wooden exterior? We’re here to Help!

This is no Pinocchio tale. When it comes to wood, Millenium Roller Doors deliver reinforced garage entries that would make a forceful intruder with an axe rather choose an oak tree! Safe, Secure & Nationwide. If you are still undecided on which type of modern garage or industrial roller doors can solve your current business challenges, don’t hesitate to reach out to our sales team today for advice, recommendations and custom quotes. Better still, pick up the phone and let’s have a chat, by calling 011 472 0373.

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